Keeping Your Work Orders On-Task With CMMS

April 10, 2017
2 min

With a new year comes change and one way to keep your work orders on-task is with CMMS. Computerized Maintenance Management Software keeps everything exactly how you want it and makes your job as a maintenance facility manager easier – especially when it comes to work orders.


Be More Proactive

Being proactive is the best way of keeping up with preventative maintenance and making sure that you are always on top of your preventative maintenance. Simply writing things down is no way to keep up with your facility but by being able to enter what needs to be done and have it automatically sent when it is time, you not only keep proactive better but you also have to do less work.


Paperwork is More Precise

One important aspect of any job is making sure that your reports and paperwork are correct and easy to locate. As we continue to move where everything is becoming more digital,  you should never have to worry that you can't find something or that it was communicated incorrectly. Having a record of every work order so you do not have to try to remember or research who did a certain job and when it was done is key and so is being able to run a report.


All the Information You Need

And speaking of records, with CMMS from Maintenance care you have all of the data needed for a work order, preventative maintenance task, or even information about your equipment. You no longer have to search through piles of paperwork in a drawer somewhere because there is a place for anything. While you have certain areas to add information, there is also room to add anything you might need in order to show every aspect of your work orders. Have a certain room where an AC was fixed and there is a complaint by the owners? Just pull up when the work was done, who did it, how long it took, and anything else you need to refer to.



CMMS also provides you a way that keeps everyone accountable for their job. It allows you to closely inspect things like the time it takes for someone to do a specific job or fine tune the employee review process. You are able to see if someone has been frequently late working on tasks or if someone is making the same errors. This allows you to retrain or decide what needs to be done to fix the problem.


Read More:  Key Tasks For Building Managers


All of this can be made easy with the best CMMS software available on the marketplace today. It's easy to use, fast to set-up, and allows you to access all your maintenance work easily in one convenient location. Get instant access to your Free Work Order Software right now, and start managing your tasks quickly and easily.

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