We recently heard about a maintenance supervisor who spent much of his summer vacation time adding to his personal building asset inventory: he built a tree house for his kids. Here are a few of the lessons he learnedand thoughtfully agreed to share with uson the importance of establishing effective maintenance systems for even the smallest of projects.

The first lesson he learned was the need to establish a quick and effective request format for repairs. You see, before the tree house was even completed, his older son broke through the south wall one afternoon with his newly-mastered karate kick, rendering the tree house unsafe for his younger siblings. Unfortunately, he (perhaps naturally) dragged his feet in reporting this infraction to his parents, who were not aware of the potential for disaster until several hours later. Fortunately, no child fell through the broken boards, and our intrepid builder quickly established some firm ground rules and processes for reporting any further maintenance issues in the tree house.
Another lesson quickly learned was the importance of establishing a method for instant notifications. One Friday his wife emailed him with a request to pick up some additional hardware on the way home from the office, because she had needed to use his remaining supply of wood screws to repair a kitchen shelf unit which had collapsed. Because our tree house builder had a busy afternoon and did not check email before his hour-long commute home, he was forced to compete for attention with other weekend warriors at the local hardware store and pay twice as much per screw as he would have had to pay if he had known about the need when driving by the builders supply store on his way home from the office.
Later on, he learned the importance of maintaining a preventive maintenance schedule that was easily available to all users. This lesson came about when his wife scheduled a birthday party in the back yard. She publicized zip line rides from the new tree house in the invitation, and partygoers were extremely disappointed when they learned that the zip line had been dismantled for maintenance. His wife wasnt too pleased, either, since she had to come up with new party activities on the fly, and field complaints from dissatisfied partygoers, as well as the birthday boy himself.
So no matter what the size of your facilities, contact us today to take advantage of effective maintenance systems software for easy maintenance requests, on the fly notifications, and preventive maintenance scheduling.