The classic movie The Money Pit, is the perfect story of a house that has gone many years without preventive maintenance and what happens when it all comes crashing down. If you haven't seen it recently, now is a good time for a laugh.

However, in real life, having stairs fall apart under people, the roof leaking, and plumbing creating havoc is not funny especially if it is the facility where you do business. In The Money Pit, the previous owner failed to do preventive maintenance and the cost became astronomical for the new home owners, in addition to the numerous safety issues that they faced along the way...we can all remember Tom Hanks' character getting stuck for hours on the second level in a hole on the floor which pierced through the living room ceiling until his wife got home.
Don't let the same thing happen to your facility. Don't let budgets keep you from doing those key preventive maintenance tasks. Not doing preventive maintenance will mean increased costs for equipment break downs and increases your exposure to liability and property losses. Customers would not like to be falling down through the floor like Tom Hanks did in the movie.
Preventive Maintenance
Preventive maintenance software can help your facility stay on top of those regular jobs you need to do on a daily or weekly basis to make sure your facility doesn't turn upside down. So what are some simple preventive maintenance tasks that will help you avoid The Money Pit happening in your facility?
1. Check the heating and air conditioning. Be sure someone is monitoring the air filters.
2. Check the fuses/breakers.
3. Check under sinks for leaks.
4. Check the roof and gutters.
5. Have an annual termite inspection.
6. Have an outside contractor check the fire extinguishers.
The list goes on and these are just a few of the preventive maintenance tasks you need to do to avoid having your facility become a money pit. The list can be daunting if you try to keep up with it via paper or even using a desktop calendar.
However, you don't have to dread keeping track of the maintenance tasks. Just use preventive maintenance software for your facility and let the computer do the tracking work for you. It will remind you when those tasks are due and keep you plugged into those items that are of extreme importance at seasonal change. The Money Pit was hilarious, but real life can fast become a nightmare, so get the right tools you need today.