Performance Evaluation with CMMS

October 18, 2017
1 min

When it comes to running a maintenance team, what you don’t know can hurt you.  Unknown weaknesses in your operations can cause unnecessary problems down the road, and you know that they always come at the wrong time.


The Full View

CMMS from Maintenance Care ensures that your operations are performing as they should and allows you to see where things may not be working at full efficientcy. Along with understanding your efficientcies, CMMS from Maintenance Care exposes other holes in your operations such as: 

  • Not implementing a preventative maintenance plan
  • Not having clear and concise inventory
  • Not being able to tell when equipment may break down or when you should replace it
  • Not having clear instructions on work tasks or preventative maintenance jobs
  • Not being able to run reports easily

Better Data

These are just a few of the issues that can really come back to haunt you if they are not taken care of. However, by having the right maintenance data you are able to more easily measure, analyze, plan, and improve your entire maintenance operations and CMMS helps you do it.

Read More:  3 Reports That Are Integral to Your Work Order Management


Better Control

For instance, you can easily set up a preventative maintenance plan with CMMS that allows you to schedule the tasks in advance where they are sent out automatically. You can also manage your inventory more easily with the asset tracking function. other uses for the asset feature include warranty and repair tracking as well as life expectancy tracking.  Another helpful feature is being able to make notes that give clear and concise instructions on tasks that need to be done.


Better Results

CMMS helps in many ways ensuring that your operations are performing at their best and that your life as a maintenance supervisor is easy and stress-free. 

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