Running a maintenance department is hard work, as you very well know. There are work tasks to keep up with, preventative maintenance, employee schedules, and budgets.

All of these things take time and manpower to implement effectively. Not to add to your worries but having a healthy environment in your facility is important too.
The WELL Building Standard
The problem with an unhealthy work environment is that it affects the long-term work of your employees. Along with higher health costs, there is the issue of absent employees and those who aren't working to their full potential. The WELL Building Standard works and knowing how to utilitize it will make a difference in how healthy your facility is for you and your employees.
What Is It?
A certification program for buildings focusing on optimizing occupant health, encouraging healthy habits, increasing employee productivity, and improving quality of life.
How Does It Work?
Your property undergoes a site assessment to determine what modifications you’ll need to make to achieve WELL certification. An experienced WELL Accredited Professional will guide you through the process and advise you on modifications as required. When you’re done, the International WELL Building Institute, through its collaboration with the Green Building Certification Institute, will conduct on-site performance tests to ensure your compliance with silver, gold, or platinum certification levels. Re-certification is required every three years.
How Are Buildings Judged?
Facilities are assessed according to seven categories: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. Certification requires you to comply with all seven, using recommended techniques like these to achieve a healthier workplace:
Air: Remove airborne contaminants with strategies that include prevention, ionization, filtration, and infusion.
Water: Remove contaminants such as chlorine and other disinfectant byproducts, dissolved minerals, sediment, bacteria, and calcium carbonate through filtration, treatment, and infusion.
Nourishment: Provide occupants with design features and knowledge to enable healthier food choices.
Light: Improve occupants’ sleep, energy, mood, and productivity through window performance and design, light output, lighting controls, and light therapy.
Fitness: Ensure access to numerous opportunities for aerobic, strength, and flexibility training so occupants can accommodate fitness regimens within their daily schedules.
Comfort: Create an indoor environment that is distraction-free, productive, soothing, and protected using design standards, controllability, and policy implementation.
Mind: Implement design and technology strategies that support mental and emotional health in two ways – actively by providing occupants with feedback and knowledge about their environment, and passively by incorporating design elements, relaxation modalities, and state-of-the-art technology.
Read More: Organize your Maintenance Department
Everyone benefits from a healthier work environment. CMMS from Maintenance Care will help you maintain the high standards your facility is capable of reaching.