CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Work Order Tracking: Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me

Written by Andrew Greene | Mon, Mar 31, 2014 @ 01:30 PM

Spring is upon us, which in turn brings to us green grass, bright flowers, baby birds, and flies, lots of flies. Even worse than the flies are what they carry. The modern fly is Mother Nature's own version of a miniature weapon of mass destruction with its capability to carry more than 100 various pathogens on their nasty bodies to include such favorites as anthrax, salmonella, tuberculosis, and E. coli.

But really, while we all love what is new and fresh about this season of rebirth, must we really have to put up with those filthy, nasty, disease-ridden flies?  The short answer is, no, we don't. In fact, there is plenty that facility managers can do to make and keep their facilities fly free.


What You Can Do

The first step in the war against flies is to add these fly-fighting steps as recurring tasks to our work order tracking system's calendar so that we are sure to take care of any fly-issues before they become real problems. The more regularly facility managers perform the steps below, the more fly-free their facilities shall be.

To prevent flies from having breeding and feeding places in their facilities, facility managers must maintain a regular sanitation program to ensure that trash is always covered and that trash cans are fitted with trash bags, which are then tied shut before being tossed into the outside dumpsters. The dumpsters too must be covered.

Restroom and food areas must be cleaned on a regular basis as well. Smells that attract flies must be eliminated and decaying organic matter of all types must be properly disposed of. Areas around drains
must likewise be kept clean. Keeping all areas clean and free of fly-attracting smells and matter will go a long way to keeping facilities fly free.


More Tips

Other, non-recurring tasks that facility managers need to consider in their battle against the mighty flying pest include fortifying the perimeter of facilities. For especially problematic areas, double doors with mounted fans can prevent flies from getting inside your facilities. The more obstacles you can put between the enemy and the interior of your facilities, the better.

Also, facility managers must remember that their HVAC systems can be a very effective flying insect fighter. To get this weapon working properly, facility managers simply need to make sure that the HVAC
systems are blowing out, not sucking into the doors of their facilities.