CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Don't Let Harsh Weather Drive You Crazy, Be Prepared With CMMS

Written by Susan Fowler | Fri, Dec 11, 2015 @ 03:00 PM

Don't stress out over the upcoming winter, take action now and get prepared.  If you are in an area that is still waiting for the worst of winter's wrath, a pre-winter inspection is the ideal way to ensure that your facility is ready.


Set Inspections 

If you are the maintenance manager for a power company, you are probably getting pretty busy already. For instance, at Pennsylvania Electric Company, there are already inspections taking place.

According to Scott Wyman who is the regional president of Penelec (Pennsylvania Electric Company):

“Cold temperatures produce increased demand for electricity, and heavy snow and wind have the potential to cause damage to poles, wires and substations, requiring crews to make repairs in difficult conditions.  Completing inspections and maintenance of equipment now can help to enhance system reliability when the snow begins to fly. Preparing our infrastructure for winter operation helps to enhance the reliability of our system. Coupled with winter maintenance for our vehicles and snow removal equipment, these efforts help us to provide more reliable service to our customers."


Procedures and Protocol

This is just one example though – there should be procedures and protocols in place for every type of maintenance department. This includes resorts that have to ensure guest safety and comfort, healthcare facilities, landscapers, construction companies, and the like – who have to prepare their own departments in preparation for winter weather.  Whether it's freezing rain, heavy snow, high winds, ice, or severe cold – every facility should find it imperative to perform preventative maintenance and pre-winter inspections in order to make sure their facility can handle what mother nature brings.


Read More:  Be Prepared For Extreme Weather


With CMMS, you will be prepared.  Your preventative maintenance will be completed, pre-inspections will be done and you can calmly ride out the winter months because you pre-planned and got ready for it.