Working as the facilities manager for a hospital means more than just the usual maintenance since lives depend on how things operate around the building. We all know that a facility being well maintained and taken care of means a positive environment that promotes better health.
There are four major components of a maintenance strategy that is conducive for hospital environments.
This is a way of having a better understanding of the actual costs of system failure and the difference between preventative maintenance, predictive maintenance, and a results-centered plan. If a piece of equipment fails, you're looking at more than just replacement or repair costs but instead, the downtime, potential lawsuits, and loss of revenue makes this even more integral.
Building maintenance is obviously one of the most important factors in any maintenance department strategy. The advantages of using a CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) program includes being able to track data, follow equipment life and repairs, schedule faster work orders to be completed, and the ability to remotely schedule work tasks as well as preventative maintenance, which can also be scheduled well in advance and is then sent to the worker.
The operating environment encompasses a number of things that is crucial to how well the building performs. For instance, there are a few questions that you should always know the answer to such as:
What are your critical building components and systems?
How are these systems and components performing?
What is the worst case scenario if this equipment fails to perform or doesn't perform up to standards?
These are the strategic questions that you need to know the answer to in order to keep things running as well as possible, especially in a hospital environment.
Preventative maintenance is imperative to keep things running smoothly and is thought of as a traditional means of maintenance upkeep. This is important but predictive maintenance is just as crucial to use. For example, using the CMMS area that includes Asset Tracking which has the ability to help predict the lifespan of the equipment. This is based on its age, number of repairs, and more – so that you have a better understanding of when a major piece of equipment needs to be replaced.
Read More: Getting Organized With CMMS