CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Spreadsheets vs CMMS and How to See The Many Benefits of CMMS

Written by Susan Fowler | Wed, Jun 14, 2017 @ 02:00 PM

Most companies that have been around a while have used spreadsheets for all of their maintenance needs.


While some have made the move to Computerized Maintenance Management Software, others may still need to recognize why it is better for their company. Here are a few reasons:


Preventative Maintenance

With CMMS, you have the ability to set up preventative maintenance tasks in advance. This means that they are not forgotten or pushed aside but instead are sent to an employee the exact moment the task needs to be done. This helps prevent backlog and keeps things up to date.


Reports and Analysis

With CMMS, you have the means to run reports at the click of a button. You also have the ability to check out the lifespan of your large equipment based on factors such as number of repairs, age, etc. Everything you need to run your maintenance department is right there where it is easily accessed.



While spreadsheets are pretty much available on one computer, Computerized Maintenance Management Software is cloud based so it is accessible no matter where you are at if you have an Internet connection and a web browser. This means you can access reports and tasks from home or even while you are on vacation.



Miscommunication is a leading cause of tasks not being done right or not done at all. With type of system, the employee gets a notification immediately and the information they receive has everything they need such as where, what, when, and any notes that are applicable. Everything is done in real-time so that you are always in the know on what is going on as well as your employees having the information immediately so they can get the work done when it is needed.


A Centralized Database

With everything being centralized in the CMMS program, there is no need for employees to have to carry around large manuals or schematics. The CMMS acts as a database where images, schematics, warranties, manuals, and documents can be accessed at any time.


Read More:  The Added Benefits of Mobile App


If you are still doing your job with spreadsheets, take a look at all of the benefits of using CMMS instead and you will see just how invaluable it is to your business.