CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Scrap Paper, Get Work Order Management Software

Written by Dan Roberge | Fri, Jul 25, 2014 @ 02:00 PM

There is nothing more dysfunctional than trying to run a business where paperwork is easily lost or hard to find. Most maintenance facilities have a filing cabinet at best and at worst, paperwork all over a desk, around the room, and in different parts of the facility.

Using an effective work order management software can allow you to scrap your paper because it will keep files that pertain to tasks can be uploaded and used more easily.

PDF Forms

For instance, if you have a training PDF that is for a specific task, this PDF can easily be uploaded and attached so that your employees can review it on the go. You simply link it to a preventative maintenance task and they will have the information with them at all times. This part of the maintenance facility software allows your employees to have a quick access point to what they need at any time and it is much more convenient than trying to find the paperwork that is needed when it is needed.

This is perfect for safety documentation, MSDS forms, training PDFs, and you can even upload instructional videos that can be viewed on the employee's device. This keeps everyone safer and up to code at any time and you still maintain the hard copy for your records.


Safety Documentation

An example would be that a new employee is in charge of the swimming pools at your facility. Perhaps they know the basics but need to adhere to your state's standards. With this function they have everything they need right there with them to ensure that they don't have to guess or make an assumption on what needs to be done or what the chemical levels should be. Or if you have a facility where a boiler has to be maintained, the work order can include the instructional information to ensure everyone's safety and keep your facility up to standards that are required.


Also Read: No More Paperwork!

Schedule tasks well in advance, keep up with preventative maintenance, and do everything remotely. It allows you more time and freedom to do other things that need to be done without spending time looking for paperwork or trying to keep up with training that can be done with an instructional video.

Maintenance Care has the Maintenance Facility Software you need to conduct your maintenance business more seamlessly and easy so that you can focus on everything else you need to do.