CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

School Maintenance When Classes Are Out

Written by Maintenance Care Team | Tue, Aug 9, 2022 @ 11:30 AM

With classes out and empty hallways, school holidays are some of the best opportunities to get ahead with school maintenance. 

From repairing broken equipment to working on preventative maintenance tasks, the to-do list can seem endless. That’s where facilities management software for schools can streamline your team’s workflows and help ensure classrooms are ready for students when the break is over. 

Here’s a list of must-dos for school maintenance during the summer holidays and how a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) can help.

Interior and Exterior Inspections of the School 

Regular inspections are the foundation of any maintenance plan. After all, knowing something’s broken is the first step to fixing it. 

During the busy school year, all the day-to-day facilities maintenance can make it hard to find time to walk around and take stock of the building as a whole. But school holidays are a great time to do a thorough inspection of both the interior and exterior of the building. 

As you walk around the grounds taking notes of potential problems, pay specific attention to:

  • Evidence of moisture or leaks

    Addressing the first signs of water damage can stop a problem before it gets bigger.

  • Signs of rust or rot 

    The same is true for rust and rot, fixing the issue early prevents problems later.

  • Damage, cracks or holes 

    Note where repair work is needed.

  • Missing or loose bolts

    It may seem innocuous, but a missing or loose bolt can be a significant safety hazard to students.

  • Uneven surfaces 

    From cracks in the pavement to worn steps, uneven surfaces can cause injuries and only get worse over time.

  • Evidence of bugs or pests

    Prevent infestations with regular inspections and pest control.

You want to review every part of the building from the windows, to the trim to the roof. 

A CMMS can make all the difference when it comes to looking at your maintenance from this bigger picture perspective. 

For one, it allows you to organize all tasks in a central location for everyone on your team to see. And since it’s digital, there’s no more jotting down thoughts on a pad of paper, only for those notes to go missing later. 

Plus, work order request forms allow other members of the community to easily submit maintenance tickets. So, that squeaky door or stuck window won’t slip between the cracks. 

Preventative School Maintenance

Preventative maintenance planning is key to reducing equipment downtime and keeping overall maintenance costs down. 

Some of the most important preventative maintenance for schools include:

  • HVAC systems:
    Replacing or cleaning filters, ducts and condenser coils. Tighten electrical components and lubricate moving parts. Check temperatures and the thermostat to ensure proper cycling of the system.

  • Fire safety and alarms:
    All fire extinguishers, fire alarms and other related safety equipment should be inspected and tested to make sure they work in an emergency. All exit signage and lights should be reviewed as well and bulbs replaced as needed. Make sure to take note of the date and that the inspection was completed for future reference.

  • Plumbing and bathrooms:
    Washrooms get a lot of foot traffic during the school year and it can be disastrous when they go out of commission. Check for leaks, low pressure and incorrect water temperatures. This is also a good time to see if any tiling or caulking needs replacing.

  • Cafeterias:
    A proper lunch fuels students throughout the day, and cafeterias are at the heart of many schools. In a kitchen with so much expensive equipment – from fridges to freezers to ovens – it’s important to plan ahead to make sure everything is in working order to prevent costly fixes down the line. 

With a CMMS, you can easily plan your workload and schedule preventative maintenance tasks ahead of time. It also allows you to generate comprehensive reports showing the maintenance that’s been done, which helps you maintain facility standards for compliance regulators or government inspectors.

Asset Tracking in Schools 

Schools are home to a significant amount of assets, from textbooks for students to tools for maintenance staff. Trying to keep track of all the moving pieces without a software system can be a nightmare. 
The first step is to take stock of what you have. Go through all the equipment and assets you manage, noting important information like:

  • Acquisition dates

  • Warranties

  • Replacement costs

  • Make and model

From there, you can see all your equipment in a single digital location and begin tracking maintenance records. 

Asset tracking helps you trend the life expectancy of your equipment, determine which pieces should be replaced and when, and see repair history all in one place. The result? Less breakdowns, more cost savings and a stronger ability to forecast. 

Need a Facilities Management Software System For Your School?

Simplifying and tracking school maintenance digitally with a computerized maintenance management system makes life easier for your team, saves money for the school and helps create a better learning environment for the students. 

Looking for a CMMS for your education facility? Learn more about how Maintenance Care can help by booking a demo today.