CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Put Money Back in Your Pocket With CMMS

Written by Tracey Male | Wed, Nov 15, 2017 @ 08:00 PM

In most maintenance departments, cost is a major factor into any new purchase, even if that purchase will save you money in the long run. While we know that CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) helps you put money back in your pocket, here are a few ways that allow you to see it in black and white.

Reduces Equipment Failures

By having the ability to schedule preventative maintenance in advance, these tasks are not missed. For example, let’s say you have a large piece of equipment that needs to be inspected monthly. If that is not done monthly then you may see equipment failure that could have been prevented had it been inspected.


Extended Asset Life

By being able to schedule and track the maintenance of your equipment and assets, you have the ability to extend that life. How that works is that if you have a piece of equipment that has regular maintenance that has to be scheduled, this extends the life of the asset. If that maintenance is missed, this reduces the lifespan of the equipment. Even if it only reduces the asset by 10%, this is often a huge amount of depreciation when you are dealing with expensive equipment like a vehicle or a conveyor in a processing plant.


Reduction in Overtime

By being able to better schedule your maintenance work orders, more overtime can be avoided. CMMS allows you to be able to run your schedule much better than possible with spreadsheets or notes. You can see what tasks need to be done and won’t have to worry about overlapping or not having enough manpower for the job.


Read More:  5 Reasons CMMS is Right For Your Maintenance Department


Inventory Management

Knowing what parts you need when you need them and where they are located is a major factor in reducing costs at a maintenance department. Instead of running out of a specific part and having to shop at a place which may cost more, you always know what is on-hand and how to find it. The same goes for knowing when you have an overage so that this does not continue and you are wasting money buying parts you do not need since there is a surplus.


There are so many ways that CMMS is a sound investment and hopefully, these examples showcased some of the most important ones.