CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Preventative Maintenance Mistakes to Avoid

Written by Susan Fowler | Fri, Jun 2, 2017 @ 02:00 PM

Preventative maintenance is crucial to any maintenance department. However, there are a few mistakes that are sometimes made that defeat the purpose of utilizing preventative maintenance procedures. Here are a few and how to prevent these mistakes from causing problems at your facility.



Preventative Maintenance Tasks

One thing that can cause problems is doing required maintenance  before or after the a scheduled due date. It might seem that doing the work in advance is a good idea but preventative maintenance work should be done when it is scheduled for – not before or after. Doing one or the other pretty much defeats the whole purpose of setting up PM tasks. Make sure that they are done when they are scheduled to be done.


Not Taking Advantage of Technology

Do not avoid taking advantage of the technology you have at your disposal. Make sure that you and your team are fully trained on how to properly use the technology they have all of the tools they need at their disposal. For instance, are you aware of how to use the Compliance Maintenance Tracking area of the CMMS program? What about Task Assignment? Become well-versed in the software program and make sure that employees know how to properly use the areas that they are able to work with.


Make Things Clear

Another mistake to avoid is not setting up clear and concise directions on how to do a certain task. From seasoned employees to new hires – everyone should be trained properly on the use of the CMMS program and within the program, make sure that all of the documentation is available,  the steps are clear and easy to understand so that there is misunderstanding on how the work is to be completed.


Read More:  Avoid These Mistakes


Preventative maintenance can be made easier if you take the time to ensure that these mistakes are do not happen. Make your job easier and run your department with Computerized Maintenance Management Software.