CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Make sure Your Healthcare Facility is Clean Enough with CMMS

Written by Tracey Male | Fri, Nov 18, 2016 @ 03:00 PM

A recent study showed that a person's perception of where they are staying has a direct result on how fast they heal. The study specifically targets how they feel about their experience and their overall care.

When it comes to running a hospital, healthcare center, or clinic – is your facility clean and maintained enough?



The look of a healthcare center is an important factor in how the patient perceives where they are staying. Even the smallest of look that is not clean affects their perception and not only is it detrimental to their health but it also means that they may not suggest this facility to their friends or family, which has long term results to the longevity of the hospital, clinic, or healthcare center.



“The overall patient experience is affected by every interaction in a patient’s health care journey, whether directly or indirectly involved in the delivery of care,” said James Merlino, MD, President and CMO, Strategic Consulting, Press Ganey. “How patients perceive the cleanliness of their care environment can not only influence key drivers of patient loyalty, but also enable the delivery of safe, high quality, and effective care through a reduced risk of hospital acquired infections.”

When you think about cleanliness, this doesn't just mean that the floors are mopped and that the counters are dusted. Instead, this also falls onto the maintenance manager who must ensure that filters are changed, toilets are running well, and equipment is maintained properly.


Maintenance Management

One way to ensure that everything gets done properly is with a CMMS program.  With this, you are able to set up preventative maintenance in advance, which makes sure that it is done when it is supposed to be. The other great thing is that you can easily take care of work orders without having to have your employees come back to the main shop. By running your facility this way, you are always on top of anything that needs your attention. In a fast paced environment like a hospital, this is of the utmost importance.


Read More:  Keep Residents Safe with CMMS


When it comes to running a healthcare facility, why not make things as easy as possible? CMMS allows you to do just that while making things easier for the people who stay there as well.