CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Let CMMS Software Transform Your School Over The Break

Written by Dan Roberge | Thu, Apr 24, 2014 @ 02:00 PM

One of the many benefits of CMMS software programs is their versatility, and the way in which these programs can help virtually any type of facility thrive. One of the many types of facilities that have been able to benefit from this program are schools and educational facilities.As the 2014 school year is quickly coming to a close, educational institutions of all types have the opportunity to transform the way their facility operates this summer, so they can have a higher functioning school ready to greet students next fall.



While summer break is no vacation for those in charge of a school’s facilities, it is a time to enjoy a less demanding work load and for facility maintenance managers to refresh, renew and to get things back into working order. This is also a great time to create a schedule for servicing the building’s equipment and to create a plan for inspections and servicing equipment. This is an easy way to get in the habit of preventative maintenance for the building’s most important machines instead of waiting for appliances or devices to break down.



With CMMS software, all of this information can be tracked and downloaded so that your data is kept in an organized manner. After the information has been entered, notifications can be set to let you know when things like the generator or air conditioners need to be serviced, so even during the busy school year, you can stay on top of what is going on in your facility. There are countless employees and machinery that help a facility function, and a this software can help these moving parts all operate in the way they should be.


However, a complicated facility such as a school is about more than just furnaces and generators, there are countless supplies that come into a school every year, even more so than in other facilities. Whether its filters for the furnace, or light bulbs for the projectors in the classrooms, keeping track of these parts and supplies can be a challenge. A CMMS software program can send alerts when the building is coming close to running out of supplies. You can also use the tracking features of the program to see if any buildings within your institution are using more parts than others, and try to get to the bottom of the issue quickly.  


Summer Time 

If you don’t already have an online work order request system, the summer is a great time to set one up through your CMMS software program. This will let anyone in the school to submit a work order request with ease. If your facility contains several buildings and countless classrooms, as many facilities do, it can be difficult to keep track of all of the different maintenance requests and to handle these requests in a timely manner. Setting up a system like this can save a great deal of time and hassle when the school year resumes and can easily lead to a better functioning facility and happier staff and students.