CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Winterizing with a Work Order System

Written by Dan Roberge | Wed, Nov 13, 2013 @ 03:44 PM

So fall is here, and many places across the nation are already experiencing below-freezing temperatures—including that recent freak blizzard in South Dakota. If you haven’t started making a plan for winterizing your physical plant, you’re behind schedule. If you haven’t got your strategy in place, you need some assistance—and a work order system can be a big help.

After all, chances are strong that if you just let matters take care of themselves—they will. Unfortunately, it’s likely to happen in ways that you will not appreciate. If you don’t drain the outdoor water systems before a big freeze, you’ll have unexpected geysers in the middle of your landscaping come spring, and your business will be the talk of the town—but not for the right reasons. If you just decide to react instead of being proactive, you are likely to forget some important task and find yourself on the roof of a building in the middle of a snowstorm, dealing with something that you should be handling now, in these (mostly) beautiful sunny fall days.


So why will a work order system help?

Here are some reasons:

  • You only set up your plan once. Rather than re-creating a plan every year, you can put all your necessary winterizing tasks into the system one time. The system automatically schedules these tasks to take place every fall.
  • You can quickly delegate or transfer tasks to different personnel. If Jimmy is off work because his wife is giving birth, your winterizing schedule doesn’t have to be a casualty. With the work order system, it’s easy to pull Johnny off of the lawn mower and assign him the more timely tasks. It’s fall; the lawn can wait.
  • You can see the big picture. A work order system allows you to get a look at everything from that wider perspective that allows you to plan ahead, think about your property as an entire system, and make efficient decisions.

Are you ready for some help in winterizing your physical plant—and also getting a good head start on spring planning, too? Contact us today to learn more.