CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Easier Winter Maintenance With Maintenance Management Software

Written by Tracey Male | Wed, Mar 9, 2016 @ 03:00 PM

With winter upon us, you may have already started on your winter maintenance, but whether you have or have not yet, here are a few tips for your winter maintenance that will make things easier around the facility.



HVAC Filters

Everyone knows that the HVAC filters must be changed on a regular basis and they definitely need it as part of your preventative maintenance initiative. When the seasons change from spring to summer, summer to fall, fall to winter, and winter to spring – this is the perfect time to change the filters out. Not only is it easier to remember when doing it this way but it keeps your HVAC running more efficiently.



Gutters and Downspouts

Throughout the year, gutters and downspouts tend to get clogged up with debris, leaves, and gunk from dirty water. Before the winter or at the start of the winter is an excellent time to make sure that these areas are clean so that the water can flow freely. A clogged gutter or downspout won't do its job properly and cause more headache than you need to have to deal with.



Ice Your Plants

If you plan to use seasonal plants during holidays or for a special event, one way to ensure that the plants are watered properly without freezing the soil is to use slush instead of water. Ice or an ice slurry (or slush) is perfect for melting in the soil and watering the plants slowly. The water doesn't freeze up and it melts slowly so your plants get the ideal amount of water.



Lower the Thermostats

No one wants to be cold during the winter but it only takes one degree to make a huge difference in your power bill each month. One degree averages a savings of one percent which may not sound like a lot but it does add up. If you typically have the thermostat set very high, you will save quite a bit by lowering it five or more degrees.


Read More:  Winter Ready


There are many other tasks that can be taken care of like checking door seals, resealing sidewalks, making sure door mats are in good condition to keep out sand, dirt, ice, and snow, and making sure your irrigation and faucets are in good working order.  All of these tasks are made easier with Maintenance Management Software where you can schedule everything you need.