CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Software Allows You To Delegate Responsibility

Written by Dan Roberge | Thu, Jan 15, 2015 @ 03:00 PM

One of the most important aspects of running a maintenance department is knowing how to delegate responsibility. You may be the best at what you do but if your employees are not on-board with what their responsibilities are then you're just turning the gears but getting nowhere.

There are a few tips on how to delegate responsibility properly so that you can focus on running your maintenance facility easier and more efficiently.


Timing is Everything

Without proper timing, your employees cannot get the tasks done in an efficient manner. Make sure that you realize that they are human just like you and need to not feel like they are being rushed or overextended. By using a maintenance management software program, you can delegate tasks far in advance so your workers have an idea of what is coming up.


This may not account for emergencies that happen but a regular schedule helps people plan for what needs to be done. Don't make it a habit to rush or overwork your help because this only breeds resentment and jobs that are not done properly.


With any job that needs to be done, there are things that you are good at and things that are not part of your strengths. This applies to your employees as well. Focus on delegating those tasks that showcase your employees' strengths and you'll see that the quality of work goes up.


For instance, if you have an employee that is better than the others at pool maintenance then make sure that he or she is delegated that job on a regular basis with others as backups. Keep in mind your employee's own personality as well though. If you have a worker that is good at something but hates doing it, it may be best to not make that person do it every single time since they may not do their best. Make it fair but focus on each person's strong points and strengths.

Read More: Productive Employees
One of the best approaches to delegating responsibilities is to know your staff well and have a solid idea of who likes what and who is good at each task. A proper combination of enjoyment plus skill wins every time when it comes to running a maintenance facility and once you get to know what works for your company, you'll be able to make sure everything runs smoothly with CMMS Software.