CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Makes Maintenance Requests More Efficient

Written by Maintenance Care Team | Tue, Jul 3, 2018 @ 12:52 PM


Your day starts with a list of to-do items, maintenance requests on sheets of paper or sticky notes, and perhaps the occasional (or bulk) email. As the work on various tasks begins, people stop you in the hallway with more requests. You try to write them down on sticky note pad, or request they send you an email later. Then you head to next task you can remember, all the way across the building.

By the end of the day, you've spent a lot of time running back and forth across the facility to get to the next task - a lot of time that could have been spent actually doing maintenance. Not to mention the fact that half the requests people promised to email you have been forgotten, you've lost some sticky notes, and you accidentally deleted an email.

It's disorganized. It's inefficient. It's a typical day for a maintenance worker in a facility without a maintenance management system.

The Dangers of Inefficiency.

Everyone who manages a business or team knows that efficiency is key to having a successful work day (and a successful business). Inefficiency in your maintenance system or team can cause serious problems in your facility as maintenance tasks stack up and equipment breaks down.

In addition to the actual issues caused by broken equipment, these problems can end up costing you on your maintenance ROI. So how can you increase the efficiency of your team and get back that ROI? With a CMMS of course!

CMMS Makes It Better

The thing about CMMS is that it is built specifically for maintenance work and has everything you need in one easy to access place. No more sticky notes, no more missed calls, and no more deleted emails. In fact, everything is automated from start to finish and you have the ability to make notes, know who did the job, when it was done, where the job is located, and anything else that pertains to getting all of the work done in a timely manner.

Now your maintenance team can stop wasting time walking all over the place - they can do all the tasks in one area at a time. Plus, they don't have to worry about missing a task because they're all located conveniently in one place.

Staff-Friendly Maintenance Software

Because it's so user-friendly, our CMMS software makes it easy for all your staff. Instead of someone having to come back to the shop to grab a piece of paper with notes on it, they get the notification instantly via their smartphone or tablet through the CMMS mobile app. The communication is right there and there are no misunderstandings on what is to be done. This saves time for them and for the company because they can spend more time on the actual job rather than running back and forth.

CMMS also works to help you keep notes of every single part of a work order. In case information is needed later on, you don’t have to go looking for paperwork or having to ask employees who may have forgotten. Just visit your dashboard and pull up the request and you have all you need no matter who needs the data.

Start Increasing Efficiency in Your Facility

So, how can you get started with a user-friendly maintenance management system that will keep your facility running efficiently? You can check out all of the different options for our CMMS!

Get a free demo of our software, or check out the options for features and pricing (there's a free one!) on our three different CMMS editions.