CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Can Help When Working With A Skeleton Crew

Written by Susan Fowler | Wed, Dec 2, 2015 @ 03:00 PM

Whether it's due to up coming holidays or budget cuts, many maintenance departments have to deal with a reduced staff and this can be a burden on the work flow.  There are ways to decrease the pressure when it comes to working with a skeleton crew. 

Preventative Maintenance

Preventative maintenance is one of the best ways to ensure that your equipment doesn't fail.  Workers can record equipment deterioration so they know to replace or repair worn parts before they cause system failure.  These records are extremely helpful for planning ahead, especially if you will be short handed.


Continuous Monitoring

Continuously monitoring the tasks in your maintenance department, will make dealing with a smaller crew much easier. Continuous monitoring is just a smart thing to do regardless of your crew size, but it is essential when you have limited help.


Being Strategic

  • Anticipate Issues:  You probably know your facility and the equipment pretty well.  You know the "trouble makers".  If not, use the records from your preventative maintenance.  Be prepared with a plan if an issue occurs while short handed. Perhaps outsourcing may be necessary.
  • Think Critically:  Maybe there is more to that issue with your "trouble maker".  Take a different approach and maybe an underlying issue that has been missed, could actually get fixed, meaning that headache is no longer on your task list. 
  • Make Decisions:  Don't fall into "Analysis Paralysis".  You have your processes in place, enforce them and get the task completed so you can move on to the next one.


Read More:  When To Outsource


At some point, almost every facility has to manage with a skeleton crew.  Having the right tools in place, such as a CMMS program from Maintenance Care, will make life easier on the staff you do have.  This will mean, happier staff and a smooth running facility.