CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Can Help When Hiring Your Next Employee

Written by Susan Fowler | Wed, Oct 11, 2017 @ 07:00 PM

To have a top notch maintenance team, you have to have the right people. Having the right people, means hiring the right ones and in order to do that, your hiring process has to have the right elements in order to be successful.


Here are a few tips on how to ensure that you get better employees by asking the right questions.


The Job Description

While you may very well know what you expect out of a potential new employee, without having an accurate job description, you are wasting your time interviewing the wrong people. Make sure that your job opening has a description that explains exactly what you are looking for and the skills that are required.



Most potential employees will prepare for an interview but what about the person doing the hiring? You should prepare as well instead of simply trying to wing it. Make sure that you know exactly what you want to ask and what you expect out of the meeting. That way, you will not forget the important information you want to find out.


References are Important

Almost any application will have a place for references. But many employers don't actually check them. Make sure you get references and take the time to give them a call. In some cases, you will find that the references may not even be real and that is valuable information? If the applicant gives permission to check with previous employers, do that as well so you can gain insight into their history.


Read More: CMMS Can Help a Maintenance Manager Aquire the Right Hiring Skills


Have Help

In some cases, it is a good idea to have more than one person conduct an interview. This is why so many employers will have interviews with one person, then substitute another interviewer for the second round. It allows you to cover all of your bases and make sure that you ask all of the questions you need. Plus, sometimes a second interviewer will find out something you may have missed or even spot a potential problem.


A maintenance department is only as good as its weakest employee, which is why the hiring process is crucial. In order to get the best employees, these tips will help you waste less time in getting the person who is right for your job opening. CMMS will help you to keep you organized throughout the hiring process.