CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Can Help Prevent Incidents and Injuries

Written by Tracey Male | Mon, Oct 24, 2016 @ 02:00 PM

The leading cause of workplace incidents and injuries is material handling. Whether it is cuts and punctures or sprains and strains – material handling accounts for over 30% of injuries in the workplace.

According to The Traveler's Companies Injury Impact Report:

 “The above incidents most often resulted in strains, sprains, cuts, punctures, contusions, inflammation, fractures, or chronic sicknesses resulting from a type of work (e.g., a skin disease caused by chemical exposure). On average, strains and sprains resulted in 57 missed work days, followed by cuts and punctures at 24 days. Of the most commonly-resulting injuries, inflammation and fractures caused the most time away from work at 91 and 78 days, respectively.”


Proper Safety Measures Are Key

Woody Dwyer, Second Vice President, Workers Compensation, Risk Control, Travelers comments, “Even seemingly minor injuries, such as strains or sprains, can substantially impact an employee and slow a business’s operations and productivity. The most common injuries we see can often be prevented if the proper safety measures are in place, if safety issues are promptly addressed and if leaders continuously emphasize a culture of safety with employees.”


Easy Access To Important Info

Along with proper training and employee knowledge, material handling incidents can be prevented, or at the very least, minimized. CMMS can help because all of your materials safety and data sheets are easily uploaded into the program so that employees have access to them at any time. The same thing goes for training materials such as, how to lift heavy objects properly, or what to do if you are exposed to a chemical that can cause skin damage, lung damage, or damage to the eyes.


Read More: How to Control the Handling of Hazardous Materials.


Along with helping you handle all of your materials and safety sheets, CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software) also allows you to set up work tasks, assign preventative maintenance, run reports, and so much more. It is simply put, something you can't afford to be without because it makes your job easier and helps employees be more safe in the workplace.