CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS Can Help Control Hazardous Materials Handling

Written by Dan Roberge | Wed, Mar 11, 2015 @ 02:00 PM

Handling, storing, disposing of, and cataloging hazardous materials is integral to any facility that deals with these materials and to be honest, most any facility will have some kind of material that can be dangerous.  



From pool maintenance that uses chlorine and other chemicals to a lawn care company that handles insecticides and more – proper data is needed to ensure that everything is kept safe and used properly.A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) helps control hazardous materials handling.



The requirements of OSHA and other similar standards is to make sure that you have the proper inventory of your hazardous materials, all of the data sheets are in a place where you can find them (these are called MSDS) and your employees must be able to get to them as well, all of your materials must be labeled appropriately, there is ample training on the materials, and there is a written program outlining and adhering to the above.


Material Handling

With a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), it is easier to keep up with training schedules, data, and inventory. It is important to note that many hazardous materials have different brand names and all data for each item should be accessible and for new employees, this is an integral part of their training. For instance, you have a new employee at your lawn care business – this new employee should know where the MSDS is for each item, should be trained about how to properly use the materials, and have knowledge of what to do in case of an emergency with any of the chemicals they are using.


Read More:  Keeping a Clean Work Environment


No matter what kind of facility you run, you're sure to have some kind of dangerous chemical or hazardous material in the shop that your employees come in contact with. By using the computerized maintenance management system, you will find it easier to catalog everything as well as which employees are using the component. This is because in the work orders, there is a place for you to add notes, you can keep up with inventory, and you can upload data where you can find it conveniently. Reports are easy to run as well and the entire system helps keep your facility safer by knowing who is using what, who was trained on using the product, and where it is located.