CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

CMMS and What Makes a Facility Maintenance Manager Part I

Written by Susan Fowler | Mon, May 8, 2017 @ 02:00 PM

When you think of your job title, in this event it is a Facility Maintenance Manager, you know that there are many factors to your job, what needs to be done, having to do it and at the same time while being in charge.


However, here are a few tips on how to be the best at your job and ensure that your job is easier to do on a day to day basis.


Think on Your Feet

One of the most important traits of a Facility Maintenance Manager is being able to deal effectively with emerging issues. This means being able to think fast when there is an unexpected issue, but it also means keeping up with current trends as well. Emerging issues can be the sudden outage of a major piece of equipment or knowing when to take part in something new to you like CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Software).


Think Strategically

This falls under thinking on your feet but it also encompasses knowing when to move forward on certain issues or knowing what to do to make your job easier while keeping up with protocol. There is a saying, “Think smarter, not harder” and this falls under that same train of thought. Learn to use strategy to do your job easier while maintaining standards. Preventative maintenance is one way to be strategic, for instance.


Look at the Overall Picture

In the legal world, there is a “but for” rule. What it means is that if something happens, it effects other things. For instance, in the legal realm let's say that someone robs a bank and a teller is so scared that she has a heart attack. This is the “but for” rule meaning that if not for the robbery, the teller might have been just fine. In maintenance, you have to use this same rule at times just in a different way – but for the action, the result would not have happened. For example, if you have a toilet that overflowed then it may not be as simple as that. The flooring could be damaged, there may be a problem with the pipes that caused the issue in the first place, and so forth.


Read More:  Staying on Top of Challenges


Know the Financial Aspects

As we all know, cheaper is not always better so a good maintenance manager knows that it is better to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. While a $10 part may be cheaper than a $40 part, if you have to replace the cheaper part five times a year as opposed to once, you've already saved money.