CMMS Maintenance Care Blog

Asset Management Software Will Keep Track Of Your Tools and Equipment

Written by Tracey Male | Mon, Apr 11, 2016 @ 02:00 PM

Statistically speaking and speaking from experience, it is common knowledge that employees typically treat their own tools better than those that are provided for them. There is a simple reason for this – when something is of value to you, you take care of it – especially if it's your own investment.

If you run a maintenance department that supplies tools and equipment to your employees, how do you get them to take care of these items as if they were their own?


Which System Do You Prefer?

One thing that can help is to have a system in place where everything is accounted for. By using asset management in CMMS, you have a record of what tools and equipment you have and by making sure that each tool is always accounted for, things don't come up missing quite as often. Sure, with larger equipment items you are going to pretty much know who has it. However, even smaller tools can be a large investment and you certainly don't need them destroyed or lost.


Check-Out System

One way of achieving this accountability is to have a check-out system. Some maintenance shops implement a system that allows employees to check out a product similar to using a library. Not only does this system allow to show where the tool is, but you will also know who took the item and when it was taken.


Replacement System

Some maintenance shops make employees replace the item that is lost or misused. However, unless you only have one employee that uses your tools and equipment, you have to know who is responsible for the item. This is where a check-out system comes in handy.


The Cage System

Along with a system that has employees “borrow” tools and equipment, you have to have a way of keeping up with what is being used. Whether it is making the employee sign for something that is in a locked room or another form of a similar situation, you can get a handle on your tools and equipment.


Read More:  Ensure Safety Protocol with Asset Manangement


Along with this way of doing things, Asset Management Software is helpful because you are able to track your expensive items with useful data. Whether it is knowing when it was bought, how much the cost was, or warranty information, you'll never have to fumble through papers to find that information because it's always just a click away.