3 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Work Order Software for Contractors

March 8, 2023
4 min

General contractors and construction specialists simultaneously juggle multiple projects of various sizes and complexity, frequently shifting focus between vastly different jobs throughout the same week, or even on a given day. Add in variables of subcontractor teams and workers scattered from project to project with different tasks and needs, it’s no surprise contractors are investing more in emerging technologies.

Deloitte’s 2023 Engineering and Construction Industry Outlook report shows 44 percent of contractors are interested in adopting technologies that provide structure for consistency, boosted accuracy and improved productivity. The study points out that worker shortages, supply chain issues and rising material costs are increasing the need for more cost-effective and efficient digital solutions.

maintenance workers disussing the need for a web based software or work order management system accessible through mobile devices

With so many options to choose from, as the digital revolution continues, it’s important to think about key areas of improvement that can benefit your operations in the short-term but with long-term results. Digitizing work order requests is a simple action construction or general contracting companies and maintenance project managers can begin as soon as today.

Ready to simplify your work order requests? See Maintenance Care’s work order management software in action today!

When weighing your options for the right work order management software solution, the cost is likely a key concern. Ease of use may be next on the list. The last thing any hardworking team needs is a clunky, burdensome piece of technology that stalls their actual work. Comparing software solutions is ultimately up to management, but the whole team should be part of the conversation. Consider these three essential questions to find the construction work order software that works best for you.

1. Who Will Use the Work Order Management Software?

First, identify which parties will use and have access to your work order management software. Will this serve as a communication tool between your clients and maintenance workers? Will project owners or individuals outside your organization have access?

worker examining service history and job management in work order software for contractors in an effort to save time through streamlined project management

This is where you want to consider a computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) with a built-in portal feature, so you can set up one landing spot for all external and internal communication. Some systems can connect internal email clients to attach correspondence with specific work orders, which adds more context and clarity to each task. Others include features for multi-user checklists, task lists, shared calendars and more depending on how robust you want to go with your construction work order software.

2. How Will Your Team Use Construction Work Order Software?

Various types of work orders exist to meet different usage needs. A preventive maintenance work order, for instance, is an internal work order of sorts used for making sure your tools, equipment and other assets are in working order now and in the future. While on-demand work orders are frequent, unexpected and often urgent, preventive maintenance work orders can be easily planned and scheduled in CMMS software. 

Preventive maintenance features set task frequency, time of day and assignment responsibilities. These also help with tracking inventory and ensuring that required spare parts are available. Free up your team from unexpected and emergent projects and give them more time to focus on your clients and keep the construction site operating smoothly.  

field workers conducting asset tracking on their mobile device for streamlined inventory management

Despite your best efforts with preventive maintenance, at times you will need to capture, assign and respond to emergency work orders. These are for those tools that need an extra part, or for that excavator that gets an oil leak. Inspection work orders help you when working to stay compliant. Using your digital work order software’s filters, you’re able to find all inspection work orders at a moment’s notice for any needed report.

Another special feature of inspection work orders is that they often contain checklists. For example, with Maintenance Care CMMS, you can add checklists or use ‘DetSet’ (detailed set of questions) to make sure all inspection work orders are standardized and as detailed as they’re supposed to be.

You may find your team is in the field and needs to file a corrective maintenance work order. Corrective work orders serve as a source of critical data about your day-to-day operations. With a CMMS, you can investigate the analytics and reports to see the big picture, resulting in more informed decisions. There are many different types of work orders and scenarios you’ll find yourself in. Choosing a work order management software that does more than just organize work requests will be your best bet at keeping things running smoothly.

3. What Features or Customizations Do You Need in Your Work Order Software for Contractors?

One of the biggest advantages of implementing work order software within a CMMS is increased efficiency enabling you to maximize productivity. Contractors and their leadership teams need to look for work order software that prioritizes the following:

  • Initiation

  • Administration

  • Distribution

  • Completion

  • Information

In the initiation of a work order, you have fields that emphasize collecting data at the origin point. The work order system should make it fast and easy to describe the problem or request so your crew goes into the project with a clear understanding of needs and expectations and can make a plan of attack.

The administration of a digital work order is the planning and scheduling of the task at hand. Construction work orders may include data categorized in terms of the type or location of work, the task instructions, the person it was assigned to, the costs associated, the priority level and timelines for completion.

various construction companies workers discussing the importance of preventative maintenance in addressing maintenance requests

Successfully distributing a work order requires swift action and clear deadlines, as well as comprehensive information. With work order software like Maintenance Care, you can create automated workflows. This facilitates communication between internal and external users instantly and with approval signatures and provides visibility for checks and balances. This streamlined process helps with faster responses and keeps items from slipping through the cracks.

Look for construction work order software that allows you to collect information on the completion of a task or project, as well as data you can use for historical reporting and making data-driven decisions.

Simplify Your Workflow with Digital Work Order Software for Contractors 

facilities managers addressing maintenance request for home service businesses through a work order management system with mobile access

The global construction industry is projected to hit $10.5 trillion this year. As the construction and general contracting industries continue to grow, the need to move from spreadsheets, paper forms and sticky notes to streamlined digital work order software no longer is a luxury but the standard.

Our CMMS and work order management software experts are here to help you find the right solution for your needs. Schedule a demo today to see how Maintenance Care can help.


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